Say hello to
Selling on Social with the ACORN Method:

the anything-but-average program to help you get clear + confident on how to show up on social media, so you can create a loyal community that will jump at the chance to buy from you


Selling on Social is not the only social media program

on the market,

but it’s the only one that helps you build a brand foundation that will stand the test of time - no matter what updates IG or FB throw at you.

We take a holistic teaching approach, helping you master your mindset and get clear and confident on who you are and how what you sell makes someone’s life easier, simpler or better - and then giving you the tools to communicate that via your social channels.


Love from our ACORN fam

Click PLAY on the videos below to watch what some of our current Academy members have to say about who we are, what we do, and how it’s made all the difference for their businesses…and their lives.

  • Before we share it all - let’s get the nitty gritty about who this is really for:

Maybe you’re:

A seasoned entrepreneur who’s hit a plateau with traditional marketing techniques and is ready to harness the power of 4.48 billion social media users at your (literal) fingertips

A new biz owner who wants to learn a strategy that will help you market to the right people in the right way - right from the start

A social seller who longs to stand out in a sea of thousands of people who do exactly the same thing as you do - but doesn’t know how

A community builder who knows the power of connection that social media can bring with your audience, but is tired of posting + praying and getting nothing in return.

If any of these sound like you - you’re in the right spot. Hang out here with me as I show you exactly how SOS will give you everything you need to build confidence, clarity + community via social media - and the CASH to match.

We’ll use our proven 5 step system, the ACORN Method, to guide us in creating connection + providing value to your audience -

so they will jump at the chance to buy from you.



Worried that you need a Masters in English to deliver content that captivates?  NAHHH - simply not true!  I’m sharing my formula to create captions that will leave your readers captivated…and ready to buy in to what you’re offering.


The easiest way to captivate your audience and have them wanting more is to TELL STORIES - again and again and again!  We’ll dissect the story feature available on Instagram and Facebook, talk about ways to show up confidently on camera, and teach you how to create connections that will result in DMs from people who are ready to buy from you!


We will unpack IG + FB’s hottest new feature - Reels - with step by step tutorials of how to make them, how to use them to sell, and how to not feel like a total dork while doing so.


It all begins with MINDSET.  Worried about being the ‘annoying influencer’?  We all are! :) We’ll dig in and rewire the limiting stories you may be telling yourself about using your social accounts to sell, and help you begin showing up confidently.


If you aren’t clear on how you can  serve others with your service or product, you can’t be effective on social media.  In this step we develop clear core values for your brand, and use them to set up a social media profile that easily communicates who you are and what value you bring.


Ever wonder WHAT THE HECK to post?  If yes - this lesson is for  you!  We will cover the different mediums you can use to create content and then we will map it all out, so you’ll never run out of ideas on what to share!  You’ll end with a 90 day content plan that you can easily refresh and wash, rinse and repeat on forever.


No more posting + praying for these SOS grads. Now they show up on social with a clear strategy that makes selling simple!

Yes - you CAN believe the rumors - SOS has been known to 10x revenue, earn incentive trips + promotions, land TV and magazine spots and have new clients creeping in your DMs…

…and we’re open for enrollment NOW!

What’s Inside SOS:

  • 22 Mini Lessons:  valued at $1997

  • 90 Day Content Map:  valued at $197

  • Caption Starters:  valued at $97

  • Reels Tutorial Library:  valued at $97

  • Reels Inspiration Spreadsheet: valued at $97

  • Workbook: valued at $97

Valued at $3276 - yours for only $497

A social media strategy in shambles is so 2000 and late.

Start 2022 off strong by getting clear + confident on how to show up so you can create a loyal community that will jump at the chance to buy from you.  

Some questions our SOS grads had before they joined…

  • YES! That’s exactly what this is all about. You've got to start somewhere, so why not get a road map to walk you through how to begin?! The goal of this program is to bring you immense clarity in how your business can serve others, and give you the confidence to show up consistently!

  • YES! I feel this question deeply because this was me two years ago. I thought I was doing well with selling on social, but I decided to invest in a program to grow even more and WOW was it worth it! There is always more to learn and ways you can show up better and when you do - you'll grow in ways you didn't know you could.

  • Like anything - you get out what you put in! In total, the material will take you roughly 12-15 hours to learn + implement. If you choose our Course + Coaching option, you’ll get access to more support, implementation blocks + weekly coaching plus Q&As. That is buffet style - take what you need when you need it!

  • Leveling up in your business costs money–there’s no way around that. Investing in yourself comes with a little fear and sometimes even more guilt, and it’s not easy. BUT - when you put some skin in the game and invest in the right things to help yourself grow you will see the biggest leaps. We’ve intentionally priced this to be affordable for you!

  • We are the social media program that’s going to help you with more than just social media. Because of our deep belief that building a strong brand foundation comes FIRST - that’s exactly what we do. You’re going to get mindset work and help in creating your messaging so you it can be applied to social media - but also every other area of your business.

  • You can absolutely get a ton of knowledge for free - but to piece it all together in a format that you can easily implement would be a full time job. We’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to.


  • Feeling frustrated by ALL THE WORK you’re putting into social media - without ANY OF THE REWARD?

    Don’t let another day go by feeling like this.

Hi! I’m Krista - and I’ve been where you are right now.

I know the pain wanting so badly to find sales + success on social media, but not knowing how the heck to find it.  

Back in 2016, I started really leaning into using Instagram for my business…but I thought that some cute pics of my kids and company stock photos would do the trick.  Spoiler alert:  THEY DIDN’T.  That’s because I was creating vanilla content - you know, the kind that scratches the surface of what I did but NOTHING that was actually me.  Nothing that showcased my values, my unique talents, or the way I could serve my audience in my own special way.

I was “using” social media but I wasn’t actually UTILIZING it.  I was doing what every person in my company was doing, while tossing in a bunch of mom-life to the mix. My DMs were empty, I wasn’t seeing engagement that converted to any sales, and cold messaging was my go-to in order to gain business.

But now?  Things have changed. 

A lot!

Not only did I use social media to personally sell $850K in products and coach my team to $14.2 million dollars in lifetime sales in my first business, but the ACORN Method programs have hit multiple six-figures in revenue in just 18 months - with no paid ads, no cold messaging, no in person hustle at networking events.  All through the power of social media.

How did I do it?  I invested in learning, I tested strategies, I got frustrated at the thousands of dollars I spent on programs that taught me material I could have found on Google (don’t make the same mistakes I have), and I created my own system.  And then I started teaching it to others.  457 others to be exact.

So my question to you is this:  do you want to keep spinning your wheels, feeling frustrated that nothing is working - or do you want to break the mold with us?

Say GOODBYE to social media fatigue and HELLO to success and sales here!

Have questions?

I have answers. Shoot me a DM!