If You’re Looking To Inspire Growth, Look No Further Than Krista Demcher.


to help you realize that you’re not too old, it’s not too late + you already have what it takes.


You Already Have What It Takes:  Rewrite Your Stories To Recharge Your Confidence

The quality of your life is based in large part on the stories you tell yourself about who you are + what you’re capable of, and nobody knows this better than Krista.

A classic introvert who used to cringe at the thought of socializing with strangers,

  • Krista learned to reframe her thoughts to reprogram her behaviors, thus changing her entire life.  This resulted in her leading a multi-million dollar sales team to massive success, founding a company that was featured on air at NBC + Fox, and even taking the stage at a ballroom dance competition after only 3 months of practice.

    Join Krista in an engaging keynote as she reveals the transformative power of self-storytelling, emphasizing the profound impact on confidence, success, and well-being. Drawing from her own journey, Krista guides you through recognizing and reshaping the narratives that may be hindering your progress. Uncover the stories you tell yourself and, armed with the knowledge that 'you already have what it takes,' silence your inner critic. Embrace the beauty in the messiness of your journey, rewriting your story for a future filled with boundless potential, happiness, and success from the inside out.


Uncover the secrets of the inner narrative - dive into the science behind its origin and discover why it's the backstage VIP in your mental show

Learn why your brain is working against you, and what to do about it

Discover the 6-step process to rewire the stories that are stopping you and transform them into stories that serve you

Build your Resilience Resume to unlock confidence beyond your wildest dreams


Sell It Real Good:  How To Use Stories To Simplify Your Selling

When most people think of sales, they conjure up an image of a guy in an ill-fitting suit, shaking hands just a little bit too hard.  But in today’s landscape, the way to create curiosity, captivate customers + close sales requires much more than a flashing neon “BUY NOW” sign.

According to a study by Daniel Pink, 40% of our day is spent selling - no matter what industry we are in.

  • Whether you’re a business person climbing the corporate ladder, an entrepreneur selling products or services, or a parent convincing your kid to eat their vegetables, being able to communicate your ideas in a clear + compelling way is vital to your success.

    Enter: STORIES. But not just *any* stories. You need to tell stories that not only create emotional buy-in from your listener, but also spur them to action. Stories are remembered 22x more than facts, and Krista’s unique approach turns storytelling into storyselling and leaves attendees feeling inspired + excited to get their ideas, products + services into the hands of the others.


Understand the sales pitfalls most people fall into, and learn how to avoid them

Build the backbone of every great sales story by identifying who you are, what you say + how you say it

Learn the 7S storyselling formula and how to apply it

Uncover the limitless stories that lie within you, and use them to sell your brand and/or yourself


The Red Lipstick Effect: Boldly Branding Yourself, Inside + Out

When most people think of branding, they envision a carefully curated social media feed or a slick logo. But true branding goes far deeper - it's about boldly embracing all the quirks and qualities that make you, YOU.

According to a study by psychologist Amy Cuddy, people who embodied confidence through body language and persona felt a 20% increase in confidence levels.

  • Whether you're an entrepreneur shaping your brand's identity, a professional striving to bring your authentic self to work, or simply seeking to live life more fearlessly, the ability to confidently claim and communicate your unique brand is vital.

    Enter: The Red Lipstick Effect. Drawing from psychological studies and Krista's own personal journey of channeling a bold alter ego during pivotal moments, this keynote will inspire you to shamelessly lean into the traits that make your brand remarkable - both internally and externally.

    You'll learn Krista's 3R framework for crafting an authentic brand identity rooted in Accessibility, Authority, and Attitude. You'll uncover how to pinpoint and embody the "red lipstick" symbolism that empowers you to boldly show up as your most self-assured self. And you'll walk away with the motivation to proudly brand yourself in a way that feels like YOU.


Understand the psychology behind alter egos and how they unlock confidence

Identify the signature "red lipstick" symbolism that sparks your bold persona

Apply the 3R framework of Relatability, Reputation and Resolve to shape an unforgettable brand

Learn to unapologetically embrace your quirks as strengths in your branding

Tailoring each keynote to PERFECTLY MATCH your audience and industry is a non-negotiable. Whether it's face-to-face or through the virtual realm, I’VE GOT YOU covered on delivering IMPACTFUL MESSAGES that resonate. Your needs, your way.


Seminars + Conventions
Nonprofits + Educational Institutions

What’s better than one voice inspiring + teaching your community?

How about TWO. 

ACORN Workshops, led by Krista + Brian Demcher, are dynamic, hands-on and easily actionable trainings to help you turn thinking into doing, and planning into results.

Meet Brian Demcher

Brian is a professional market development expert, sales leader, team builder, and process and training improvement guy. After graduating from West Point and leading soldiers in a combat unit, he transitioned to the business sector. 

Working with both larger corporations and smaller start ups, he specializes in improving messaging and market access to drive sales. 

Brian has a straightforward style and the ability to easily get to the heart of a problem, which adds an invaluable layer of insight. 

With over 18 years of experience leading 8 figure sales teams, he’s got the competence and capacity to not only inspire your group, but also keep them laughing with his secret weapon:  an arsenal of Dad jokes.

Here are OUR MOST REQUESTED workshop topics:


Stories shape our lives, yet few of us know how to harness their power effectively.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to captivate clients, a corporate leader striving to motivate teams, a parents hoping to impart wisdom, Story School teaches the vital skill of compelling storytelling, including:

STORY MINING MASTERY: Breakthrough barriers to recalling and framing your life's meaningful moments as rich stories. We'll guide you through exercises to unearth your internal and external stories - the ones that have shaped you, and the ones that can inspire action in others.

THE STORYTELLING FRAMEWORK: Stories are powerful, but only if structured intentionally. You'll learn a step-by-step storytelling methodology you can use for pitches, presentations, or simply more impactful daily communication.

STORYTELLING STAGE: It's showtime! You'll have the opportunity to take the stage and tell your crafted story to an engaged audience of peers. Receive valuable feedback in a supportive environment designed to bolster your storytelling skills and confidence.


“Selling is fun!” said NO ONE EVER.  We're on a mission to change that. 

In this workshop, we're covering the three areas you need to master to sell your ideas, beliefs, products or services with confidence:

CHARACTER:  Selling is an inside job.  Not only do you have to believe in yourself, but you also need to come from the right place - one that doesn't make you seem desperate or make you sound like you have "commission breath".  It's a delicate balance, and we're going to equip you with the right skills to help you sell with soul (not slime or sleaze 🫣)

COMPETENCE:  How do you get others to see you as the expert you truly are, without puffing out your chest or feeling braggy or salesy?  It's simple, actually:  by telling really great stories.  We're teaching you the 7S sales storytelling framework that will allow you to build trust with your customers.  It's a repeatable process that you'll use again and again!

COMMUNICATION:  It's not WHAT you say, but it's HOW you say it.  You can have the best stories in the world but if the delivery is off you'll lose your listener.  You'll learn the communication secrets that will take you from feeling nervous to talk about who you are + what you do, to being ready to shout it from the rooftops with clarity + confidence!  


Ideas are great, but in this age of AI and automations, the ability to communicate those ideas is vital to your success.  By the end of this workshop, you’ll have every element you need to build a pitch that has the power to change the course of your business forever, along with:

MASTER YOUR MINDSET:  Breakthrough mindset barriers holding you back from taking courageous, biz-changing action and sharing your story when it comes to pitching. We’ll be sure you believe in yourself and that you can and should do this before we begin.

WHY YOU, WHY NOW:  We’ll teach you a step by step framework that you can use for pitching yourself for years to come. You’ll be able to use this to create pitches that answer the questions that every potential client needs to know to hire or buy from you.

READY IS A DECISION:  It's time to bring it to life! We’ll practice your pitch in real time to get valuable peer feedback, and we’ll build an action plan so that you have next steps to get your pitch out into the world.


In order to talk the talk, you need to walk the walk.  Whether you’re leading a corporate team toward a common goal, a community of clients as an entrepreneur, or yourself to be the person you want to be, finetuning your leadership skills is one of the most effective ways to level up in life.  Brian brings the leadership lessons he learned as a cadet at West Point and an Army Officer leading soldiers through combat, and packages them into an inspired sessions with topics including:

START WHERE YOU ARE:  In order to know where you’re going, you have to know where you’ve been.  We’ll guide you through self-reflection to help you identify + understand your leadership style, and build confidence in the natural qualities you possess as a leader.

BUILD YOUR LEADERSHIP PHILOSOPHY:  It’s tempting to look at leaders you admire and try to emulate them, but your leadership special sauce is one that’s not packaged up from someone else.  We’ll give you a fill-in-the-blank formula to build out your own leadership philosophy, and help you clearly communicate that to others.

PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH:  Difficult conversations?  Providing constructive feedback?  Telling stories to inspire + motivate?  All in a day’s work for a leader like you, so we’re giving you the time and space to practice all of the above (and more!) in a safe + encouraging environment.

Have another topic in mind that you’d like Krista + Brian to train on?  Let us know!

We’re experts in sales + messaging, personal branding, mindset, confidence, storytelling + more.  We also happen to be married for 23 years and are raising 3 kids together, so if you want a lifestyle slant - we got you covered!